Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Witches Brew

I remember singing this song, "Witches Brew," when I went to East Three Notch. Ty has been coming home from Little Friends singing this song and loves it. They sing another song called "Spooky Walk." It's like a version of "Going on a Bear Hunt." He loves it and I can't find it. I can find the lyrics, but not the actual music to download. I found a link to download it from but didn't have any luck. It's savefile.com/projects/1032300. If anyone tries it and has any luck, please let me know how you did it. I would love to have it.


Dave and Mandi said...

I LOVE Witches' Brew too!! I play it for my kids every Halloween. I'll see if I can find Spooky Walk...I know I've heard it before.

The Clarks said...

Thanks Mandi!