Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Trip to Wal-Mart

Ty Clark is definitely something else. After I picked him up from preschool, we ventured out to Wal-Mart, which was Andrew's first Wal-Mart trip. I was dreading it at first (going by myself with a 3 year old and a 2 week old) but it went surprisingly well! They both did super! Ty loves all the Bath Bubble products, especially Thomas, Hulk and Mickey Mouse. Well, once we looked at every type of bubble bath on the shelf, we proceeded down the aisle. Next on the shelf was all the lotions and body sprays. I only glimpsed for a second and I saw Ty get this really ugly face. I heard him say, "I don't like all the mommy stuff." I wasn't sure what he was meaning until I looked at him and he said it again while he pointed at the make-up. I assured him we weren't looking at make-up today, so that was good with him. He put his happy face back on.
After making our rounds, we stopped by the toy dept. to look at some Thomas railroad track pieces. After looking and trying to decide for nearly 15 minutes, Ty finally made up his mind on which piece to get. He puts a package of 3 tanks in the cart and we move on. As we are leaving the toys, Ty sadly turns around to look at the toys one last time and waves at them saying, "Bye Bye toys." It was as if he were about to be separated from his toys or his family for life. His little voice was just so pitiful.
We finally get out of the store and head home. As we are going home, I asked Ty what he wanted to be when he grows up. In my mind I'm thinking he's going to name some type of profession and he simply says, "A man." That wasn't what I was expecting but that was a good answer. Then he went on to say, "I want to be a big man just like my daddy one day."
After we get home, I start unloading the bags and to my surprise, along with the 3 Thomas tanks, there was another package with Emily train and a tank! I couldn't believe that little stinker snuck it into the cart without me knowing it.
Later in the afternoon, Ty and I started cleaning out our carport. I was getting ready to blow it off with the blower. As I was getting Ty to help me get things put up, he asked me what I was going to use to blow off the carport. When I told him the blower, he said, "Girls can't use blowers, just Daddy's." I thought this was pretty cute. I guess he's just never seen me using the blower before. I'll gladly turn the "Daddy duties" back over to Ben next week when he gets home. We sure miss Daddy alot!
Just some cute pics of Ty-


Beth said...

Ty is a sweet boy! I love to hear all these cute stories...makes me want John Luke to start talking but then again he is growing up too fast like it is. Better not wish it away! I love the one about growing up to be a big man just like daddy. That is precious!

Anonymous said...

If my memory serves me correctly you are the QUEEN of sentamental moments. Feeling so sad to watch someone drive sub-a-tick away. Feeling sorry and sad for animals and even for things that don't even exist. Poor boy he's starting at such a young age. He is his mother's son!! Cute pics too Love ya, Kel

Josh and Lyndsay said...

Ty is sooo cute and sweet. I bet he is such a great big brother!

The Martins said...

The last picture is my absolute favorite!