Saturday, September 6, 2008

Andrew's First Outing!

Andrew resting with Uncle Micah.

After coming home from the hospital on Tuesday, we've made three trips back there over the last 3 days. On Wednesday I noticed Andrew becoming a little orangey. We called Dr. Gabe and she had us go to the hospital to have Andrew's heel stuck. We got the results later that afternoon, and unfortunately his jaundice level was at 13, up 7.5 from when we left the hospital on Tuesday. So we went back on Thursday (twice) because the first test didn't do right. Our little fellow had to get stuck twice in one day. We got those results back and it was even higher at 14.7. Dr. Gabe told us they would not put him under the light unless it was around 16 or 17. We were all too familiar with this since Ty had to be admitted back in the hospital for 3 days after we had come home with him. We certainly didn't want to go through that again. We went back Friday and our numbers were just a little lower at 14.1. So that was a relief that it had not jumped up. We're just hoping and praying that when we go to the Dr. on Monday, it will be lots lower.

Andrew weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. when we left the hospital, so he lost 10 oz from his birthweight -7 lb. 12 oz. That was another thing that concerned us, but he had gained 6 oz. when we were in the Dr. office on Thursday. This little boy likes to eat! He's doing so good with his nursing and Dr. Gabe said he should be back at his birthweight in no time.

So....after all the trips to the hospital, we decided to get out today and go somewhere. Ben has drill this weekend, so we didn't want to stay by ourself all day. So, we headed to Aunt Kelley's house. We stayed there for most of the day before heading home. I have some great help from those two little girls. They are going to be so much help for me!!!

Ty and Amy got to go for a tractor ride.


Kristen said...

Sounds like a fun day with family. It is such a blessing to have the ones we love the most so close and convenient. I all too often take them for granted!

So glad Andrew is better. Cabin fever hits me hard and quickly after just a short time in the house; I've always got my go britches on no matter how tiny the babies are! Mine have all come in the winter so that puts a slight henderance on my going.

Julie said...

Our little ones have similar stories! Sawyer also had his blood tested to check his bilirubin levels. His levels were eleven and fortunately never elevated. He too lost 10 ounces but gained 8 ounces in a three-day period when Dr. E wanted us back for a weight check. At his two-week check-up he had made great strides and weighed 8lbs. 9oz. Nursing is definitely benefiting him!! Jeremy jokingly calls him "Piglet" because he snorts when it is time for his feeding!!

I hope all is going well. I am sure Ty is a huge help for you. One more thing, I love the Alabama onesie that Andrew is wearing in the picture with Micah!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet, sweet, sweet baby boy! We love you Andrew!!! Aunt Kelley,uncle Mike-Mike, Allie and Amy

P.s. You can come to our house anytime just tell Mommy and Daddy to bring you on over. Allie and Amy can't wait to take you on a cart ride. We promise to go slow( only when Mommy and Gram are watching though!!!!)

Shonna said...

I am glad that y'all were able to get out and about some yesterday...Mommy needs that sometimes:) Your little guys are precious!!