Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Due Date

Today is September 18th, Andrew's due date. I can not even imagine still being pregnant as huge as I was 2 weeks ago. Thank the Lord He saw fit for Andrew to come on into this world and save me of 2 weeks of extra misery! Fortunately, I was able to work up until going into the hospital. But my ankles (in my case, cankles) were horrendous everyday by about 8:15 in the morning. I even took a pillow to put in a chair to prop my feet up. Try teaching 4th graders with your feet propped up in a chair. Doesn't work too well. Just too much getting up and down. Every afternoon after I got home from school, I would plop down on the couch with my feet propped up on about 5 pillows and a 3 year old trying to wedge his body around me, or as close to me as he could possibly get. Usually around 7 or 8 at night, my ankles would eventually go back down to almost normal size. Not to mention all the times getting up and down going to the bathroom. Just think, all of that uncomfortableness (I think I just made up a new word) for this....

And I would gladly do it all over again.

This is what I found when I laid Andrew down for his nap.

Mr. Ty constantly reminds me that he is still my baby!!


Beth said...

So Sweet---those two boys! Can you imagine? Those would have been the longest two weeks of your life I'm sure! But you are right, somehow we still would go through all that misery again for those sweet babies!!!

Shonna said...

I can totally sympatize with the swelling (=M-I-S-E-R-Y)!!! But, I would love to do it again tomorrow to be able to enjoy those sweet "rewards"!!

Julie said...

Going through the miserable forty weeks is definitely worth it in the end!! Babies are sooooo precious!!

Ashley said...

AHHHHHHH! I can't believe I haven't met Andrew in person yet! HE looks like the cutest thing ever! I'm glad he was an early bird! I went to the dr yesterday and they did an ultrasound really quick to make sure he wasn't still breeched. he's not-PRAISE THE LORD! but the nurses kept saying, "Look at ALL THAT HAIR!" I'm wondering if it will be as dark as little Andrew's. I would love it, but we'll see! WE MISS YOU! I HOPE WE SEE YOU VERY SOON!

jeff and rebecca said...

I know it must be a little hard for Ty. After all, he has had all of your undivided attention his entire little life. I am sure it is tough sharing his precious mommy with another guy, even if it is his brother. Before long I am sure they will be the very best of friends!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mendy, sounds like a lot to look forward to when I am pregnant...I know I don't understand yet, but it sounds horrible. You look great though and Andrew is a precious little boy!

The Martins said...

That vibrating bouncy chair is awesome. Kady had to sleep in hers for 2 months because of her reflux. We wore the motor out of the first one and had to make an emergency trip to target to buy chair number two. keep us posted and those pictures updated!

Christi said...

I can certainly sympathize! Little miss Audrey was 8 days past her due date! Not to mention the 18 hours it took to get her here! She's precious though and I can't really even remember those 18 hours-- the epidural was a blessing. :)