Monday, September 29, 2008

Halloween Costume #2

We thought we had Ty's Halloween costume all planned out. Mrs. Tracy (our wonderful nurse at the hospital) had him all set with a complete doctor's suit (mask, gloves, cap, and dr. shirt). The child couldn't keep it off during our hospital stay, or once we got home for that matter. But.... Ben returned home from Camp Shelby (from his 2-week school) with a little something extra. Ditch the doctor scrubs, we will now be sporting this:

Meet our newest Army man. (just got to find the boots now. Notice the stance-hands and feet are perfect, just a little scary to a mama.)

Of course, we had to do a serious shot.

I'm just not sure I'm liking what this has led to. Now, Ty is saying he wants to be an army man like Daddy when he grows up.


Christy said...

Awww! He is so cute. I know it is almost unimaginable in this day and time, but I'm sure if he did decide to be in the army one day, he would make you and Ben both so proud.

Anonymous said...

Personally I prefer a doctor in the family. One army man is enough!! Kelley

Anonymous said...

Great choice..! This would be a perfect Halloween costume for Ty.