Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tender little treasures

squash plant 03
Originally uploaded by mclark09

I can't wait to plant these "special" squash plants Ty brought home from school! He is soooo proud of these little plants! I heard him say, "Yummy squash." Then, he made this horrible face. He had actually tried one of the tender little leaves. He thought it was the actual squash. It didn't take long for him to realize the leaf wasn't so tasty. Maybe we'll have some pretty little yellow jewels to show off soon!!


Beth said...

Can I come join y'all for dinner when you cook those delicious little jewels??? I LOVE squash!!!

I would have e-mailed you back by now, but I cannot get into my e-mails for some reason! I've been trying for 2 days...maybe I can figure out the problem!

DeAnne DuBose said...

That is so funny! He is so sweet to bring his moma some squash.

The Clarks said...

Beth, you come right on over!
I'll be sure and call you when they're ready!

I got your email yesterday & you don't have to pay me before you leave Friday. Just when you get the chance, swing by and I'll have everything ready for you.

Heather said...

Sweet little Ty!!!

jeff and rebecca said...

I can hardly wait until we can sit down to a dinner of fresh squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and okra. Just make a little corn bread and your all set for a good old southern supper!!! Have you ever tried fried squash fritters? They are so fine!!! Tell Ty he just doesn't know how valuable that plant really is!!

The Clarks said...

I'm with you. Can not wait for the fresh veggies. I could make a meal easily on veggies and no meat.

We do fry squash. I'm not sure if it's like fritters, but it sort of looks like fried okra. We looovvvve it!

The Wilson's said...

I hope his plants do really well and it encourages him to eat veggies! I am a huge fan of squash casserole.