Thursday, May 7, 2009

Springtime Faves!

#1 Red Geraniums- who does not love these beauties? Their colorful blooms will perk up any spot. I love to put lots of potted geraniums out back on my deck.

Windowsill Geraniums

#2 Asparagus fern - I don't think there is another plant that screams clean and fresh like this one. Its rich green color looks so healthy almost year-round.
Asparagus Fern

#3 Periwinkles - so, so easy to grow & they bloom all throughout summer.

#4 Hydrangeas - Simply breathtaking! Probably my favorite springtime flower. I love to cut these fresh from my yards for sweet little bouquets.

Now, I have lots of work to do. Hopefully, I can get my flowers potted and just maybe I'll have some that look half as good as these!

1 comment:

The Wilson's said...

I love them all and need to go do some flower shopping myself! I am sorry that I am not any help with the side bar problem. I would think you could just go under layout and manually move everything up a space if you have empty spaces at the top. Who knows, that is the way I rearrange my tickers and photos.