Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ty and Company

Ty and his Gram (my mother). Ty loves Gram and Grandaddy. This week he informed me he didn't want to live with Mommy and Daddy anymore. He wanted to live with Gram and Grandaddy.
Ty and cousin Allie. Ty is Allie's baby. She tends to him like she's a little mama.
This is Ty with little friend Lydia, who is more like a cousin. Lydia belongs to friends Kevin and Sunny. Lydia loved all over Ty at the homecoming game. If Sunny got her out of Ty's lap, she would cry to go back to him. She was just too cute.
This is Ty with his Nana, who keeps him every day, cousin Amy, Lydia, and cousin Allie. Ty absolutely loves his Nana. Many days he cries to stay with her when I pick him up. It's just a relief to know he loves who he's with everyday. Thank you, Nana, for loving Ty like your own.
The famous camera smile again.


Kristen said...

Isn't it fun to have so much family around! I love being with our family and I know you feel the same! What a sweet blessing!

The Clarks said...

Kristen, you are so right. We are so blessed to have all of our family right here. What would I do without them?

Julie said...

I feel blessed to be a part of the "blog world". Like I told the other girls, there is a lot of work that needs to be done on my page. The pictures need to be smaller, etc. Also, the slideshow has duplicate pics!! I'll get it together one day. I haven't added/adjusted anything since it was created this past weekend. I definitely don't want to get behind. Your Ty is absolutely adorable! LOVED YOUR SITE!