Friday, January 25, 2008

God Is So Good!

Ben's always kidding me about being on here, so here we go. Just a little bit about him....I have known Ben all of my life. (Well, almost!) His dad was pastor of our church for 12 years, and we went to school together. We dated for 7 years!!!! I know that sounds like an eternity to some of you, but we were very young when we first started dating. I was a senior and he was a sophomore in high school. Yes, I know, just mere babes!! We finally got married in June of 02. ONE of THE best days of my life! We have had several trials to overcome since that wonderful day, but God has been with us through them all. Without Him, we could not make it through anything. Ben works full-time at the National Guard Armory. One of those trials that we endured was his year-and-a-half deployment. Ben left in June of 06 (Ty had just turned 1) and returned this past October. To say that was a rough time is such an understatement. However, WE DID MAKE IT, with the help of our loving Lord and Saviour! It is such a wonderful feeling having my husband and best friend back home.
Ben is always trying to "get something done around the house." We don't have alot of "just sittin' around time." Something's going on ALL the time at our house. I know in the back of his mind he's thinking, "I wish she would quit coming up with all these "projects" for me." Ben is so wonderful about letting me do what I want to do with the house. He always seems to like my ideas. I don't know, maybe he just doesn't want to hurt my feelings. Right now we're wrapping up a new paint job for our bathroom. I'll post some pics when we're completely finished.
Ben is the type that has a million friends. Everyone Ben meets is a friend. He is just a real people-person, as all of you already know that. He takes great pride in his role as Ty's Daddy. Ty is the luckiest little boy to have him as his Daddy. I love to watch them together, when they don't even realize they're being watched. Although Ty Clark is definitely a "Mama's boy," he loves his Daddy too!! It's evident everyday when he hears that door knob turn. His little face just lights up and he squeals, "Daddy!!" (I have to admit Mama is just a little excited too!) Here are a few pics of my two guys.

The Clark men at "Grandaddy Walking Stick's".
Ty is already asking when can he go hunting!

The Clark men as twins! This was taken before we went to church Sunday. Ty was so excited to be dressed like his Daddy!! He thought he was a "big man."

I have truly been blessed!


Ashley said...

He is, Mendy! Thanks for the sweet prayer last night!! I am so glad you're my friend!!!!!
I just looked at the website for the women's conference. Should I register online?
Where are we staying? You're my inside connection! :)

The Clarks said...

You're quick girl! I literally just hit the post button. You're too sweet Ashley!! I'll ask Kelley about registering. She's supposed to be making reservations for us probably at La Quinta again. It's right across the road from Olive Baptist Church and will be convenient for us. I'll let you know about registering, though.

Beth said...

Mendy, this is so sweet! I am reminded everyday of how good God really is!!! We all have a lot to be thankful for!

Shonna said...

We all should be thankful for the Godly men in our is so easy to take them for granite.

Kristen said...

How awesome God is! We are all so blessed w/ not only awesome families but some incredible friends too! You're one of my blessings!

The Clarks said...

Kristen--And you are one of mine as well! It brings tears to my eyes to think about the wonderful frienships God has blessed us with all along the years to help us endure all of our trials. Thank you for being a great friend to Ben and me!!

Julie said...

What sweet and touching words!!

Ashley said...

Okay...when I commented before all that was up on your page was, "God is so Good"-that was all. I just read the post that went with it! PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y'all are sweet! Walker and I couldn't have asked for better neighbors when we moved to Andalusia! Really!!! That ol' Ben-he is a sweet guy! I know he's a fantastic daddy! So glad he's back home with his family! We love you both!