Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Well...here goes nothing!

I, too, can't believe that I'm actually doing this. (Shonna, I completely know what you're talking about.) How in the world will I ever find the time to do this? I have to admit that the last month I've gotten somewhat addicted to reading our friends' blogs. The pictures of all the families are so sweet and it just made me want to be able to share some of my own pictures of my precious family. Maybe tomorrow I can actually add some of our Christmas pictures!!


Beth said...

Mendy, I am so excited to see you get a blog! It is getting more and more exciting everyday b/c I find another friend with a blogspot!! You're page is looking good so far!

Ashley said...

I'm excited too! It is totally addicting!! CRAZINESS! Your picture is so good! It's hanging up on my refrigerator, and Allyson went on and on and on about how pretty you are when she saw it!!! :)