Saturday, April 11, 2009

Watch Out Tiger!

I think we've got a golfer on our hands. I think Ben is excited, just a little! Ben tries to take Ty golfing with him everytime he goes, and yes, he even lets him hit (putt, whatever). I'm not up on my golf terms, just yet. Last week, we went outside and saw where somone had left a set of childrens golf clubs. (Thanks, Mr. Garland!) Well, let's just say that's all it took. Ty has been out taking his practice swings and even hitting the golf ball. Ben and I just look at each other and shake our head. It's like he's concentrating so hard, and when he doesn't hit it, he just keeps on and on until he does. Yesterday, I actually used his driver and hit some across the road into the neighbor's yard. I've never played golf before so, I was pretty pumped about it. If you had been driving by my yard, you would've seen me jumping up and down and probably would have heard me screaming like a little kid that had just done something for the first time. The only golf I've ever played is putt-putt, so this was a major milestone for me. The whole time Ben is smiling and saying, "We may have a golfer yet."

Later last night, Ben had his driver in the house and was trying to show me several different ways to hold the club, how to keep my arms, keep my head down, how to shift my weight when I swing up, and then shift again when I come down. I was laughing so hard by the time he finished, I told him to just let me do it my way for awhile. I don't think I'm quite ready for the professional tour just yet!

I love these first two pictures!

I think it's pretty good form myself.

Leaving you with all free stuff from Rite Aid last week!
Michelle, look at this! I was so excited!! Thank you for all your help so far!!


Heather said...

Wow, what an exciting time for you guys. Maybe Ty can grow up and reverse the role and support mom and dad LOL!!!

The Wilson's said...

Ty looks so cute concentrating on his swing!! Maybe ya'll have found a sport that you can enjoy as a family. WAY TO GO~ on the freebies!!!

Kim Turman said...

Love your family pic! How do you get free stuff? I need to be in on that.