Monday, April 13, 2009

Andrew's First Easter

What a beautiful day to be in church worshipping our Risen Lord and Savior! AND what a wonderful service!!!!!! How can you leave church and not know, I mean REALLY know Christ as your personal LORD and SAVIOR?? The perfect message to so many people that only appear in church maybe once a year.

Our weekend was filled with egg hunts, being with family, and several really good meals. Here are just a few of our Easter pictures. Hope everyone had a wonderful day!

Andrew was excited to see his treats! (But not so excited when his mama almost made him choke on his first little Sweet Potato Puff.) Oops! But it says melt in your mouth.....I guess it melts only if you don't swallow it, right?? Anyway, I did feel awful.

I'd like to know what these two are planning.

My two little Easter bunnies - I love these two little boys!

Allie, Amy & Ty - Andrew was taking his powernap.

Too good of Andrew not to include! (despite my closed eyes)
That little nap was just what Andrew needed. He was so happy!

The Garner Family

Easter Bunny even brought Ben something.

Full Speed Ahead!

Andrew with his Gram and Grandaddy! His face lights up when he sees these two!

Gram & Grandaddy and all of their "little treasures! "

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Watch Out Tiger!

I think we've got a golfer on our hands. I think Ben is excited, just a little! Ben tries to take Ty golfing with him everytime he goes, and yes, he even lets him hit (putt, whatever). I'm not up on my golf terms, just yet. Last week, we went outside and saw where somone had left a set of childrens golf clubs. (Thanks, Mr. Garland!) Well, let's just say that's all it took. Ty has been out taking his practice swings and even hitting the golf ball. Ben and I just look at each other and shake our head. It's like he's concentrating so hard, and when he doesn't hit it, he just keeps on and on until he does. Yesterday, I actually used his driver and hit some across the road into the neighbor's yard. I've never played golf before so, I was pretty pumped about it. If you had been driving by my yard, you would've seen me jumping up and down and probably would have heard me screaming like a little kid that had just done something for the first time. The only golf I've ever played is putt-putt, so this was a major milestone for me. The whole time Ben is smiling and saying, "We may have a golfer yet."

Later last night, Ben had his driver in the house and was trying to show me several different ways to hold the club, how to keep my arms, keep my head down, how to shift my weight when I swing up, and then shift again when I come down. I was laughing so hard by the time he finished, I told him to just let me do it my way for awhile. I don't think I'm quite ready for the professional tour just yet!

I love these first two pictures!

I think it's pretty good form myself.

Leaving you with all free stuff from Rite Aid last week!
Michelle, look at this! I was so excited!! Thank you for all your help so far!!

Little Friends Easter Party

On Wednesday Ty's Little Friends class had their Easter party. Since I was involved with SAT testing at school, I didn't get to go. However, Ben did, and was able to get lots of pictures for me. (By the way, there are many advantages to being in education, but that's one big disadvantage. It's not easy to just take a couple of hours off and do what you need to do and get back to work. You either take the whole day, 1/2 day, or you can just miss out on whatever is going on, which is what I did.) That's just a sidenote for those of you interested! HA!

Anyway, when Ben got home from work that afternoon, I asked how the party went. His response was, "Good." Okay, why have men not figured out that we women want ALL the details. I wanted to know everything about the party. How many eggs did he find, what games did they play, what mothers were able to go, what did they have to eat for the party, and anything else I could think of to ask. You know, all that stuff matters to mothers. It may mean nothing to them, but when it's your children involved, I want to know everything about it. After not getting much out of Ben, I just decided to ask Ty. Don't worry, he made up for all the details that Ben left out. He told me all about it.

But really, I was glad Ben was able to leave work for just a little while to go and be with Ty when Mommy couldn't be there. There's always next year, right?

Ty with his good friend Jordan checking out what they've found .

When I asked Ty who the little girl was, he said, "Morgan!" It was as if he were saying, "How dare you not know her, Mama!"

Hall & Oates

Ben came home with Hall & Oates tickets this week! A couple of months ago, he heard they were going to be at the Montgomery Riverwalk Ampitheater. So, this afternoon after the church egg hunt, we'll be headed for some Hall & Oates. For those of you too young to remember, some of their songs are Ooh Child, Everytime You Go Away, Private Eyes, & Everytime You Go Away. Those are the ones that I remember. Since Ben had older siblings, he listened to alot of that kind of music, and still prefers that over some of the newer music. Anyway, I'm excited about it! We'll leave our boys behind for just a few hours while we go and enjoy ourselves. I think it will be a fun trip!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Six Month Photos

Andrew's six month photos are up if anyone would like to take a look. I thought they turned out really good. (I could just eat that baby up.) Now, just trying to decide which ones to get. Everyone with children knows all about how that is. Go to . Click on site, and then click on clients. Password is andrew.

Shonna Reeves, thanks again for the seersucker stripes. It was his first time wearing it, and I have to say, he looked adorable in it!