Several weeks ago, our King/Lee holiday to be exact, I was looking through Ty's baby book. I was hoping to do a little updating until I found the envelope. The envelope that held his baby hair from his first haircut at one year old. The outside of the envelope read "Ty's locks". I looked inside and found no hair. I started to get sick at my stomach. Instead, there was a name card bible marker and some other little thing. I just kept staring into the envelope hoping that the sweet little baby hair would magically reappear in the envelope. I picked up several other things that was around the envelope hoping to find the hair had fallen out, or just stuck to something else. No such luck! Ben walked through and I told him I could not find Ty's baby hair that I had saved. He calmy told me to just keep looking, that it had to be there somewhere. I told him that I had and it wasn't anywhere. Okay, I'm really starting to get sick. My hands started sweating and my forehead just broke out into a full-blown sweat. Ben went on about his business outside. Ty happened to come upon me in my all-out search for his hair. I calmly held up the envelope and asked, "Ty, do you know what happened to the hair that was in this envelope?" Ty said, "Uh huh, I threw that hair in the "crash" can, Mama." At that moment I went into complete meltdown mode. I'm trying to ask him why he had done that through pitiful sobs. He couldn't understand why I was crying over hair being thrown away. So, he takes off running out of the room screaming and crying himself. He does this alot if he does something he's not supposed to do. I picked myself up off the floor and went outside to tell Ben what had happened. He came in to try to look for the hair in the "crash" cans, but I knew it was long gone. There was just no use.....the baby hair was gone forever. I finally quit crying enough to comfort Ty. He was so upset. All he could do was say, "I'm so sorry Mama. I'm so sorry Mama." I kept thinking to myself, "Of all the junk in that room that he could've thrown away, and he picked that." Ben kept telling him that he was much more important than hair, but that we just wanted to be able to keep his baby hair.
Well..........never fear, Mrs. Kathy is here!!! Ty and I had haircuts today and I was telling her about our catastrophe and that we would just have to let his hair grow out a bit to get another cutting from it. She was able to cut some long strips for me when she thinned the top of his hair. Leigh came back with an envelope and, well, we have hair again! I figured 3 year old hair was better than none at all. I told Ty he was to never do anything to that hair. So, to any of you mamas out there that has extremely inquisitive little children, like Ty, please put up anything that you don't want trashed.
**Still can't get my pics on here. I've found them but when I click on the upload image button, it does nothing. If anyone knows what I need to do, please tell me. Will try again later!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Finally Back!
Well, it's been way too long since my last post. Thanks to extra security put on our computer, I couldn't do anything. It slowed my computer down to the point I could no longer sit and wait for everything to come up. Anyway, lots has happened since my last post. I'll start with Andrew. He will turn 5 months on Saturday. He had his 4 month check-up several weeks ago and was a whopping 16 lbs. 8 oz. and 26 inches long. He is so much bigger than Ty was at this age. Ty was only 13 lbs. at his four month check-up. This little boy loves his "ba-ba". He smiles when he sees his bottle getting ready. He is such a happy little thing. He really only cries when he gets hungry. He started his cereal this month and hasn't really gotten the hang of the whole swallowing thing yet. He spits more out than he actually swallows. He has been sleeping through the night for about 4 weeks now, which makes his mama really happy! He's like clockwork; every morning around 5:30 he wakes up smiling. He actually slept til 6:00 earlier this week. He has started making this cute noise when I lay him down to change his diaper. It's like he's singing his own little song. He is such a little loudmouth. He'll start his singing and will just laugh out loud after he finishes. He is such a funny little baby!! I hate leaving this precious baby every morning. He's always in such a good mood! It's what gets me through the day till I'm back home.
Ty is learning lots at Little Friends. Mrs. Donna is his teacher and he loves her. His favorite word is still "Why?" This word accompanies everything that is said in our home. He brought home the cutest bird feeder this week. They made them from buns with peanut butter spread on them and dipped in bird seed. We had to hang it outside for the birds to munch on. I love getting sweet little things that he makes at school. And especially the little drawings that I don't have a clue what is, but he can describe it perfectly.
Ben is away once again in Fort Sill, Oklahoma for a two week training for work. I really don't tell my husband enough how thankful I am for him. I have missed him tremendously this week. Ty has missed his daddy also. He asks everyday when his daddy is coming home. I think we're going to have to get use to it for a while anyway. Ben will be gone for about two weeks out of every month from now til June. Next month he'll be in Charlotte, North Carolina. Wish I could take off and go along with him. Ben said it has been snowing where he is. I wish we could see a little snow here so the kids could have fun playing for a little while.
Well, I think I have updated enough for now. My sweet husband has put all of my pictures somewhere and I don't know where to look for them. So, I'll have to post pictures later I guess.
Ty is learning lots at Little Friends. Mrs. Donna is his teacher and he loves her. His favorite word is still "Why?" This word accompanies everything that is said in our home. He brought home the cutest bird feeder this week. They made them from buns with peanut butter spread on them and dipped in bird seed. We had to hang it outside for the birds to munch on. I love getting sweet little things that he makes at school. And especially the little drawings that I don't have a clue what is, but he can describe it perfectly.
Ben is away once again in Fort Sill, Oklahoma for a two week training for work. I really don't tell my husband enough how thankful I am for him. I have missed him tremendously this week. Ty has missed his daddy also. He asks everyday when his daddy is coming home. I think we're going to have to get use to it for a while anyway. Ben will be gone for about two weeks out of every month from now til June. Next month he'll be in Charlotte, North Carolina. Wish I could take off and go along with him. Ben said it has been snowing where he is. I wish we could see a little snow here so the kids could have fun playing for a little while.
Well, I think I have updated enough for now. My sweet husband has put all of my pictures somewhere and I don't know where to look for them. So, I'll have to post pictures later I guess.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Who is this kid anyway?

Who does this face resemble? Every now and then, Ty will do something that will look just like Kevin off of the movie Home Alone. While we were in the mountains, several people told us how much he looked like Kevin. He loves to get out of the tub, spike his hair up, and "be Kevin." Here's a Kevin shot I got last week. Never a dull moment!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Another Wonderful Christmas
What an exciting time at our house this year! Ty woke up at 7:30 so excited that Santa had been and there were presents under the tree. He was thrilled that Santa had even taken the time to eat the cookies he left for him under the tree. This was by far the most excited that Ty has been, and I think it's just going to get funner with each passing year. Ty did get his backhoe and several other surprises. So, he was happy. However, he did notice he didn't get a grill. I quickly reminded him Pops & MeMe gave him a kitchen and that he could cook on that. Oh well, we don't always get everything in life we want, do we? Andrew got a sweet little paci clip and some other surprises. Santa knew his momma can't keep up with a paci! Here are some pictures from our Christmas! Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
Santa even left me a little something!
Santa even left me a little something!

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