Monday, May 10, 2010

Alive and Well!

The Clarks did survive Disney World if any of you were wondering what happened to us!! It really has been six months since I have blogged! But now that Mr. Paul has been so kind to fix my layout, maybe I'll keep up with this think more! Thank you so much Paul!

To update everyone on what's happening around here:

Ty is playing T-ball for the 1st time. He has one more game left Thursday night. He likes it when he gets to bat, but it's a little boring out in the field right now. He turns 5 next Monday!! Can not believe I have a child that is about to be 5 years old! The big party is Saturday. Once again, Thomas the Tank will be our party theme! Hey, whatever makes a kid happy, right? Who cares if it was last year's party! He wants the exact same cake and everything! Easy enough! Ty will also graduate from Little Friends Preschool Monday night! The theme is Rumble in the Jungle and it's a surprise for all the parents! He's learned his part, but he says it's a secret until Graduation! I can already feel the tears coming on!! You all know how I am!

Andrew is 20 months old!!!!!!! Need I say more!? He's into EVERYTHING that I don't want him in! He loves his family! He loves his Bella (little puppy), and he says her name better than any other name, except mama, of course! He will play ball for as long as I will let him. If he can get out the back door, he's going straight to the ball bucket where all of our balls and bats are kept under the carport. He will even get a golf club and try to hit his baseball with it! He climbs all over the swingset, and I've learned to just let him go. He doesn't cry too long! The sandbox has been our favorite place to be the last several weeks! He and his baby Bella will just lie in the sand together and love on each other!

My sweet little blessings!!! I love, love, love being their Mommy!!

Beach Trip last Friday!

Rivercats 2010!

Practice Game!


LeAnne said...

Glad your back in blogging world. Sounds like y'all are having lots of fun these days. I know what you mean about Ty turning 5 - I had a harder time with Savannah turning 4 than I had turning 30! :)

Dave and Mandi said...

Cute pictures! When did Andrew's hair turn blonde?? It is still gorgeous and wavy, but I almost thought he was a different child.

Glad you are having FUN!!

Lori said...

Cute pictures! We had a Thomas party this year too - a big hit!

jeff and rebecca said...

Well, I thought you had been abducted by aliens! I simply cant believe how big your boys have gotten in 6 months! Keep in mind, I dont get to see them unless looking on your blog so dont let another 6 months go by please! Love you guys and hope to see you all soon!

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