Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Big News!
Well, as most of you know, we had our ultrasound today to find out what our baby is. This was all new to us since we did not find out with Ty. I was so nervous. Yes, I've had many ultrasounds before, but this was just different. I was beginning to think I would just let it be a surprise again. But, once we got in there and she checked all the measurements and she let us look at the screen to see if we could tell, I wouldn't have had it any other way but to know. Of course, we had no idea what we were looking at. When I asked her if she knew, she said "Oh yeah, 110% sure." She showed us the screen again, and there it was.....another little boy!!!! Can ya'll believe this? Could it possibly be another Ty?? Well, I love my little Ty-Man, so I know this one will be loved just as much. Ty was actually better at the news than I thought. He had his heart set on a baby sister, so I had been trying to prepare him that it may not be a girl. When we told him, he was quiet at first, but then later began to act more excited. Sometimes when we were telling our family he would forget that it was a boy and say sister, but I think he's going to be fine with it. They're going to be so close and hopefully, the best of friends. Well, now all we need to do is come up with a boy name besides Rocky. Thanks Aunt Kelley for the great name. Now Ty thinks our baby is going to be called Rocky. We've got to change that real quick like. Well, friends, just continue to keep us in your prayers for a healthy baby boy. Hope I didn't bore you all too much with the little details. I was just trying to make the news even more anticipating!!
Welcome Home Ben!

Everytime Ty talked to Ben over the phone while he was away, Ty would ask him if he was wearing his helmet. So, that was the first thing Ty wanted to see when Ben got home. He thought he had to try everything on.
These are the Army PT's that Ben found for Ty. He thinks he's as big as his Daddy in these little clothes.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sweet Days!!
Ty and I have sooo enjoyed the past few days at home together. He would wake up every morning and ask me if I had to go to school. When I told him no, he would get the biggest grin on his face and just squeal. He almost made me cry one morning when we were sitting at the bar eating breakfast. He said, "Mommy, I miss you when you go to school. Can I go and see you?" It took all I could do to not just start bawling right there in front of him. This past week has definitely spoiled me, but not much longer and we'll have a really big break. We played and played and played all week long. We went to Open Pond on Wednesday and picnicked with church friends and then on Friday we went to the Montgomery Zoo. We had a great time!
I think Ty would have stayed on this huge tree stump all day if I would have let him.
Ty loved the "ephelents"! These huge creatures really put on a show for us. Ty called this one the "Daddy Ephelent". He would get completely under the water and stay for several minutes before coming up. He even got under the waterfalls for a bath. This was our favorite animal.
I just thought this cheetah was cool-looking.

Ty with friends Will & Kristen. Kristen was so much help with these little boys!!
Ty loves any kind of train ride. This was no different!

Ty tried his best to keep up with the big kids on his tricycle around the Open Pond Road.
Ty and Maggie Ruth. Two of a kind!!
The Picnic Crew!

Three VERY tired kids. We'll definitely be going back again, hopefully soon when Daddy can go with us!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Come Back Spring!
Spring Break has finally arrived, along with much cooler temperatures than we thought we would have in mid-April. For the 2nd day in a row, we've been inside all day long. Ty has been able to show me some of his favorite shows he watches everyday at Nana's. Two of those being Caillou and Super Reader. Hopefully, this cooler weather is on the way to other places and we can resume our outside playtime soon. We're looking forward to our picnic with our friends at Open Pond tomorrow and the Montgomery Zoo Friday. Ty was soooo excited when I told him we were going to the zoo. His eyes got really big and he said, "And see ephelents, giraffes, and rhinoceros??" I told him yes, we would get to see all those animals and lots more and he just squealed. He is so excited and ready for Friday to be here. Can't wait for the zoo post!

Ty watching Caillou ~ You don't see him this still very often!!

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