My Little Indian boy!
It's been so long since I've blogged, I may have forgotten how to do everything on here. I think I've updated everything on my profile and even the birthday tickers. So, maybe I'm good for at least 6 months on that!! (That's for you Ms. Sandra! I guess I can officially say I'm a stay-at-home mom now!!....No longer the 4th grade teacher!!)
Anyway, I guess the big news around here is that we're leaving for Disney World next Saturday!!!!!!! We're very excited to say the least. It's been about 20 years since I've been, and Ben has never been before, so it will be something our family will remember forever! (well, maybe not Andrew just yet) Ty has some new Mickey Mouse pj's and he is wondering if he can show Mickey his new pj's. I explained that Mickey would not get to see them, but he assures me that he will. I guess Ty thinks Mickey Mouse is going to be spending the night with us! Who knows?? We'll be heading out early, early, early Sat. morning. Our plan is to scoop the boys up out of the bed, and hopefully they will sleep for a long, long, long part of the ride. We'll see how that goes! Can't wait to see Ty's little face when he sees everything!
Ben has just finished his class this semester. He's been putting in alot of late nights getting his papers written. He just brought in a yellow post-it note with all but two of his assessment grades. I must say, so far so good.....All A's! I'm so proud of his determination to get his degree at such a busy time in his life!!
Andrew is everywhere! I mean, literally everywhere. He is now almost 15 months old. If I let him get out of my sight, I can just expect there to be some sort of mess to clean up. Right now, he's able to get into the kitchen cabinets. His favorite thing is to get his Puffs, take the lid off with his teeth, and dump them out all over the floor!! He has done that several times now! He's saying Ty & Da-Da really good.
He will say MaMa occasionally and today he said "bye" very clearly. He does not like for me to leave him at all. He is for sure a "Mama's boy" right now. Usually, if I'm getting ready to go somewhere, he's hanging onto me for dear life. He is quite the stinker!!
Ty is, well, still Ty!! He is loving Little Friends and Mrs. Katy! He had his Pow-
Wow last week and did such a good job! I loved watching my little Indian all dressed up in his Indian gear sing songs and do all the hand motions. Last month we had the 4-year old's Halloween party in our yard! We had games, a hayride and Trick-or-Treating! Lots of mamas and a few daddys helped get everything just right! I think all the children had a blast!
Ty is always saying something that is making me laugh. Usually if I say I'm sorry to him for something, he comes back with, "That's okay Mama, I know you didn't mean to." I could just eat him up when he says stuff like that. If he hurts himself playing, he'll come up to me and show me his boo-boo and he'll say, "It's alwight Mama, it just hurts a little." I know I need to be writing everything down, and I'm not. One day, I'll be trying to remember these sweet little words, and I won't be able to.
So much has gone on since the last post, but I'll just share a few of the latest pictures. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you Lord for blessing me with a wonderful husband who loves you and two healthy, precious children!
Ben & Ty at the fair. Ty rode it all this year!!

Ty and Ben at the Coterie Race